The Rosebud Sioux Tribe is currently accepting applications for the following: 2 - members to serve on the RST Gaming Commission 1 - member to serve on the White River Health Care Board 1 - At-large member to serve on the RST Education Committee 1 - At-large member to esrve on the RST Judiciary Committee 1 - At-large members to serve on the RST Social Services Committee 1 - member to serve on the TECRO Commission 2 - members to serve on the RST Veterans Affairs Committee 5 - members to serve on the RST Election Board 5 - Members to serve on the SWA Corporation Board as follows: 1. District 1 - Bull Creek, Ideal, Milks Camp, Butte Creek and Okreek 2. District 2 - Antelope, Horse Creek and Swift Bear 3. District 3 - Ring Thunder, Rosebud and Soldier Creek 4. District 4 - St. Francis, Grass Mountain, Spring Creek and Two Strike 5. District 5 - He Dog, Parmelee, Upper Cut Meat, Black Pipe and Corn Creek 1- member to serve on the HEMP Commission 1 - member to serve on the REDCO Commission
All interested individuals need to pick up and submit applications to the Tribal Secretary's. For more information contact the Tribal Secretary;s Office at 605-747-2381.