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Ojinjinkta Housing Dev. Corp.
(OHDC Housing)

Contrustion Directors Name: Darin Bennett

Phone Number: 605-747-2236

Fax: 605-747-2264

Address: PO Box 837, Rosebud, SD 57570


Description: Contruction, entiy under S.W.A.


Rosebud Sioux Tribe Indian Housing Improvement Program

To ensure the confidentiality of documents submitted via U.S. Mail, it is strongly recommended that all mailed applications be sent using Certified Mail. Additionally, a Consent for Release of Information should be included with the submission.

For questions or concerns, please contact the IHIP Intake Specialist:  
Joshua Jordan
Phone: (605) 747-2381 ext. 416

Sicangu Wicoti Awanyakapi CORPORATION
(S. W. A.)

Director Name: Gary LaPointe

Phone: 605-747-2203 Fax: 605-747-2209

Toll Free: 1-888-379-3411

Address: P.O. Box 69 Rosebud, South Dakota 57570


The Sicangu Wicoti Awayankapi Corporation maintains housing for low-income and homeless families of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe by preserving its existing housing stock of rental units and developing new housing with existing resources and other resources that become available through grants and tax credit opportunities.


Emergency Housing (Rental) Assistance (EHA)

To accommodate the needs of low-income tribal members who are temporarily displaced as a result of a catastrophe, fire or explosion to dwelling and expanded to help those without a home or refuge - homeless. 


​Housing Locations:

  • Low rental units

  • Wicozani units

  • Sgu complex apartments

  • Sicangu village

  • Sicangu village estates

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