Employee Resources
SRD Professional Development Training
The Rosebud Sioux Tribe Sicangu Resource Development is proud to bring you the 2024 RST Sicangu Resource Development Professional's Conference scheduled for December 18-21, 2024 at the Courtyard by Marriott located at 580 Watiki Way, Box Elder, SD.
This year's conference will feature a line-up of presentations from Dakota State University, one of the Nation's leaders in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology and Research. Join us for this one of a kind educational experience as we explore the world of Artificial Intelligence and the potential opportunities and challenges it may bring to the workforce of our Tribal Nations! This year's keynote addresses will be provided by Dr. Stephanie Little Hawk-Big Crow (Oglala Lakota) and Dr. Jose-Marie Griffiths (Dakota State University).

Early Bird Registration (Up to November 29, 2024) - $350.00
Late Registration (After November 29, 2024)- $450.00
You can scan the QR Code on the Event Flyer to access the Registration Form or you can click the link below:
If for any reason you cannot access the online registration form, you can find one attached to this email to complete and either fax or email back to our office. Our fax # is 605-856-5647 and the email to send registration forms back to is bobbi.chauncey@rst-nsn.gov .
This year we have room blocks at the Courtyard by Marriott and the Residence Inn. You will receive one (1) complimentary Watiki Pass with your reservation.
This year we have room blocks at the Courtyard by Marriott and the Residence Inn. You will receive one (1) complimentary Watiki Pass with your reservation.
Courtyard by Marriott Room Block Information:
To make reservations at the Courtyard by Marriottt, you may call: (605)791-0945 using the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Professionals Conference room block code OR you may use the link below:
RST Professional's Conference- Courtyard Booking Link
Rate displayed is an average/night. All reservations will be updated prior to arrival to the following rate schedule:
Tue 12/17: $99
Wed 12/18: $129
Thu 12/19: $129
Fri 12/20: $159
Sat 12/21: $159
Residence Inn Room Block Information:
To make reservations at the Residence Inn, you may call: (605)791-9600 using the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Professionals Conference room block code OR you may use the link below:
RST Professional's Conference- Residence Inn Booking Link
Rate displayed is an average/night. All reservations will be updated prior to arrival to the following rate schedule:
Tue 12/17: $129
Wed 12/18: $149
Thu 12/19: $169
Fri 12/20: $229
Sat 12/21: $129
The cut-off date for our room block is Friday, November 15, 2024!
This year's event will feature a Banquet for all registered guests of our conference. The banquet will be held Thursday, December 19, 2024 from 6:00-10:00 pm in the Box Events Center. We are planning a fun, Casino Royale themed event with over $5000.00 in cash and prizes to be given away! Please accept our apologies, but due to the theme of the event, there will be absolutely no children allowed. If you would like to bring a guest, please indicate so on your registration form so we are sure to have enough food. If bringing a guest, you will be charged $35 at the door.
We are excited to welcome you all to this year's event. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 605-856-5644. See you in December!
Please help us spread the word! Share with any contacts you may have in your networks and other Tribal Nations in South Dakota! Wopila Tanka!